Step 1: Refresh the page which could not load. If you find that the page is reloading, it was just a momentary lapse of service which may occur with any Internet service provider.
Step 2: Check the page address that you have typed on the address bar and make sure that it is correct.
Step 3: You may go to connection settings for solving the DNS error issue. Ensure that the settings match with the settings of the local area network or the Internet service provider. Click on the toolbar tools menu and then on Internet options. You can access the Connections tab, where you will notice the Settings.
Step 4: You can also try clicking on the ‘Detect Network Settings’ link on your Internet Explorer page. This accompanies the error message to enable windows find a good connection to the internet. Refresh the page.
Step 5: If you do not get any results even after following the above mentioned steps, you can download the DNS server error software, which is available for free from many websites.
Computer repair Chicago is a much sought after service provider for people living in Chicago. It offers quality tech support services for people who require help with fixing computer problems.
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